Leading a Team? Planning to Lead a Team Someday? We've got tips!

plus the usual resource treasure trove!

Back to School! For our parents out there, congrats on surviving another summer! Now let’s focus on your career.

In today’s email:

🎧👇Listen: Kyle Huggins is the CEO of Management Mogul, and he shares the secret to workplace happiness, plus gives some great tips for new managers on gaining confidence and winning team trust on the Biotech Career Coach Podcast.



Our wonderful community member, Funien, started a very relatable conversation about techniques to boost dopamine levels and prepare to smile and connect genuinely during virtual interviews. Head to the community to share your tips and benefit from what others suggest!

Looking Forward To:

We’ll get back to Career Chats and book clubs in September when all of the amazing folks I have lined up are back from vacation! For now, vote below to help choose the next book club book!

Book Club Poll

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🎧👇Listen: Building Biotechs is on vacation this week, so here’s a throwback episode we loved! Oriana Papin-Zoghbi is reshaping women’s health innovation. Here’s how.


Why Leadership Coaching is a Must-Have for Aspiring Biotech Leaders

Our recent podcast guests Bruce and Kyle are both bullish on leadership coaching, and so am I. Let's talk about why leadership coaching is more than just a good idea—it's essential, especially if you're eyeing an executive level in the future. First off, let's bust a myth: no one is born a leader. It's a skill set that needs to be developed, and that's where leadership coaching comes into play.

For those dreaming of leading a lab or heading a major project, understanding the nuances of leadership and influence is crucial. Being good at your job is important, but true leadership inspires and guides others to be good at their jobs. And guess what? Having a mentor (to inspire and guide you) can make a huge difference. They provide the feedback and guidance that help you sidestep common pitfalls and accelerate your growth. I have had so many amazing coaches along my career path, and I’m proud to share my experiences.

Investing in Leadership Skills for Impact

Here’s something I’ve seen time and time again: investing in leadership skills has a ripple effect. It not only enhances team dynamics but also boosts overall satisfaction and productivity. Over time, solid leadership makes your team feel safe. A safe environment fosters innovation and creativity, which are key to a thriving team.

While some companies are happy to pay for coaching, and we can teach you how to negotiate that in your next offer, sometimes you will need or want to invest in coaching outside of the corporate system. Reach out if that’s the case and I’m happy to help you find the right type of coach for your unique situation.

The Long-Term Benefits of Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching sets you up for future success and promotions. This investment pays off in spades over the course of your career, providing you with the tools to adapt and thrive even as business and company landscapes evolve.

One of the biggest perks? The ability to have open, supportive conversations with peers. These discussions aren't just chit-chat; they're vital for reinforcing what you learn and fostering a culture of trust and continuous improvement.

I’ve put my own money where my mouth is, which is why I’ve spent time on both podcasts talking to leadership coaches. Over the past 12 years, I’ve invested over $50K in my own executive and leadership coaching journey, which has included two leadership retreats, 1:1 coaching, and group mastermind coaching. While I’ve been on quite the journey… starting and learning to lead a multi-million dollar consulting firm, starting a new educational company, starting two podcasts and a media company… I could not have done it without support, and my investment has paid dividends.

You don’t need to invest like I do, but start somewhere. A book is a great first investment, and you can grow from there once you implement what you learn and see the rewards. Prove it to yourself one step at a time.



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