August 16th: A breakdown of the August BioSpace Career Coach Column on the Biotech Career Coach podcast

plus thoughts on making friends at work, and resources galore!

We are halfway through August, and vacation month is in full swing! Have you enjoyed any downtime? Mini vacations and brain breaks count too!

In today’s email:

🎧👇Listen: The August BioSpace Career Coach Column dropped this week, so as usual, I give some extra insight into the questions and my answers on the podcast.



Our fabulous community member Christina shared a networking guide outlining her strategy, along with some great templates to use on LinkedIn. Head to the community to learn her tactics and benefit from what she shared with us!

Looking Forward To:

We’ll get back to Career Chats and book clubs in September when all of the amazing folks I have lined up are back from vacation! For now, vote below to help choose the next book club book!

Book Club Poll

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🎧👇Listen: Building Biotechs is on vacation this week, so here’s a throwback episode we loved! Mike LaRhette tells us all about the fabulous startup ecosystem at LabCentral.


Making New Friends at Your New Job (even if you’re an introvert)

If you're an introvert stepping into a new job, you might worry about making friends. But guess what? Your introversion is actually your secret weapon! Introverts are often great listeners, which can make you a beloved member of your new team. People appreciate when someone genuinely listens and remembers the little details—it shows you care.

So, how can you use this to form deeper connections? Start by really tuning in during conversations. Remember what your colleagues say about their hobbies, their kids, or even their favorite lunch spots. Bringing these up in future chats not only breaks the ice but also strengthens your budding friendships.

How to Start Conversations

Initiating conversations might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Start with something low-stakes. For instance, you could ask someone about a good place to eat nearby or their thoughts on a current project. These topics are easy for anyone to jump into without feeling too much pressure.

Feeling awkward at first is totally normal. Just acknowledge it with a smile and a quick introduction. "Hi, I'm [Your Name], I'm new here and still figuring things out. How long have you been with the company?" This can open up the floor for a relaxed chat where you can both let your guards down.

Navigating the Social Landscape

Finding potential friends at work is a bit like detective work. Keep an eye out for people who share your interests or values. Have you noticed someone with a novel from your favorite author? That's a perfect conversation starter!

While it might be tempting to skip the after-work social, these gatherings are golden opportunities to mingle and be seen as approachable. If you're worried about your energy levels, plan for short breaks where you can step away and recharge. In my experience, a quick walk or a few moments in a quiet spot can do wonders.

How to Build Lasting Friendships

Consistency is the key to turning work acquaintances into lasting friends. Show that you're interested in their lives and careers. Offer help when they're swamped, collaborate on projects, or cheer on their successes. These actions build trust and mutual respect.

Why not set up regular coffee chats? They don’t have to be long; even 15 minutes every couple of weeks can keep the connection alive and deepen the bond.



Melissa Moore + Moderna released a FREE course on mRNAs as Medicines

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