Boost Your Charisma to Attract Jobs and Inspire Others on the Biotech Career Coach Podcast

plus Fall is a great time to get a new job, New Manager's Toolbox Column, and ChatGPT prompts for job seekers

Welcome to the busy hiring season! It's a great time of year to look for a new job. The hiring teams are back from vacation and ready to go.

In today’s email:

🎧👇Listen: Do you know someone who is extremely charismatic? Ever notice how things are just easier for them? They sail through the job search process, get promoted, and people want to follow them. If you’ve ever wished you were a bit more charismatic, I have good news. It CAN be learned, and this week, we chat about how.



Our awesome member Avik shared a ChatGPT prompt that he’s been using to work on his resume. In another conversation, I shared a different prompt to ensure that the bullet points on your resume are on point.

Upcoming Events:

🎧👇Listen: Jon Hu, CEO and co-founder of Pepper Bio, tells us all about his journey from pharma consulting and venture capital to founding a tech-enabled biotech company.


Seize the Moment: It’s open season for hiring

This is a great time to apply for new jobs. We recruiters notice that the summer is often very slow for hiring, even in good years. This is not a good year. That said, hiring is picking back up, and this week, I've already seen an influx of new jobs hitting the job boards and my recruiting docket.

The hiring cycle somewhat follows the school year. Summer is slow, and the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be quite slow. September and October are wonderful for job seekers. January through April are also great months to look for jobs.

If you're on the job market, this is your moment. Managers are racing to fill positions before potential budget changes in 2025. They return from vacation feeling refreshed and energized (and sometimes a bit frantic).

So, how do you seize this momentum? Let's polish up that resume, and work on your LinkedIn. There are also a lot of networking events in the fall, so be on the lookout for those so that you can make some good connections. Our free biotech career development community is available to you if you have any questions in the process.



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